Health For All-Donate us


Health and sanitation strengthening

Health: Children's health, adult health, Old ages homes, women's health, to organize health seminars, workshops, reproductive child health and nutrition, HIV/AIDS, mental health, Corona pandemic, eye disabilities

Old age security: Rehabilitation of Old age, senior citizens welfare activities, victimized, to help the old aged in natural calamities, and epidemics.

We trained over 100 grass root level leaders on basic and reproductive health and empowered them to utilize the services from the Urban Health Posts in Hyderabad. These grass root level leaders acted as the link between UHP and community in better utilization of services from the UHPs. They have motivated number of men and women for adopting temporary and permanent family methods. The main achievement of the program is people in the slums are demanding services from UHPs and ensuring service providers to provide services regularly.