About Us
Health for All is a not-for-profit; Indian Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) registered in the year 1991 vide number 4221 under the Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Public Societies Registration Act, 1350 Fasli (Act of 1350F). It is a Voluntary development organization working to restore comprehensive development for the vulnerable and marginalized communities. Subsequently, it has complied with all the Statuary Compliances acquiring certificates such as 12A, 80G certificates under Income Tax for tax exemptions, FCRA certificate issued by Ministry of Home Affairs enabling the organization to receive foreign grants. We at Health for All believe that the desires change in the lives of underprivileged children will come only when more and more privileged people participate proactively in finding a solution to the problem

The mission of Health for All is to proactively be of service to human kind especially children, women, farmers, youth and vulnerable populations in all spheres of life focusing on holistic development of wellbeing through an inspirational and social change by helping them to help themselves

We envision a society where every individual has equal opportunities with human excellence, free from all forms of discrimination, strengthening their inherent capacities to live a dignified life.
People Benefited
General Health Camps
SHS Groups
Children benefited from residential camps
Benefited from skill development
Medical fraternity Provided
Our Programs

Mission Education

Action for children

Residential Care Centre for Orphan Children

Free General Health Camps

Women Empowerment