Our Works

Mission Education
Health for All strongly believes that whether you are addressing health issues, poverty, population control, unemployment, human rights, there’s no better place to start than in the corridors of education. Health for All promotes and catalyses universal education among underprivileged children and creates the process required to streamline them into mainstream Schools. At present, Health for All organized nearly 80 awareness camps in the slums of twin cities, mainly focusing on children rights and care.

Action for children
AFC is based on the concept that development is a peoples issue and involved the privileged masses in the development process. It sensitizes the advantaged mass to stand up act and make a difference in the lives. Awareness programs on Education were organized in vicinity of slums at Mansoorabad area located in Hyderabad. Mainly the focus was to aware the children on basic right that is on SURVIVAL, PROTECTION, DEVELOPMENT & PARTICIPATION. All children have the right to SURVIVAL- To live, Get good health care, Get good food regularly, Have a name- your own identity, To have a nationality - belong to a country that will care for you. All children have the right to PROTECTION (To have a family that will protect you, to be safe from physical or mental harm & to have your own privacy). Children were also educated on the right to education as today children are future.

Women Empowerment
Health for All firmly believes in Gender Balance and gives women upmost priority, in all its programmes women are encouraged to participate proactively. Women Development Programme such as Self Help Group promotion program for women. Organized awareness programme on motivation, formation and training of women SHG in rural and urban areas. The outcome of the programmes are women empowerment and formation of mother committees. The organisation has provided skill development for women and facilitated trainings in Self Employment opportunities and Entrepreneurship development. Facilitated formation of women groups and as a part of this programme, arranged internal loans in the first phase. Nearly 55 groups were formed and were benefitted under different schemes and most of the groups have participated in vocational training programmes organized in Hyderabad urban slums.

Environment Awareness Programmes
Health for All was also actively involved in campaigns like Save the Earth has it profoundly believes in safeguarding the natural resources. Thus, always in its activities uses green and natural products. In this pursuit it also conducted 12 mass environment awareness programmes through mid-media activity. All the operational areas were covered educating the villagers and community members on importance of planting trees, saving water, judicious usage of water, importance of safe drinking water, sanitation, hand washing and toileting. More than 100 members in each camp has been reached, in total 1500 community members were reached through this activity. The resources for this activity were raised locally.

Free General Health Camps
The organisation firmly believes in the concept of ‘HEALTH TO ALL’, and with its medical background experience of organizing various general medical camps in its operational areas, has vastly taken up this activity. Under the head of this program the organization has conducted Medical Camps with the support from Lotus Hospitals, individual donors, contributions from Board Members, Lions club hospitals etc., when chronic and critical patients were identified in the camps they were referred for advance treatment to the concerned hospitals. Also most of patients were linked to Arogyasree Scheme. In the camp all the attendees were provided with general medicines free of cost, in few camps when local community members were active and they have distributed fruits and nutrition supplements for children and elder attendees.

Promote is an employability program wherein training in English proficiency, basic computers and personality development is impaired to underprivileged youth. At present, 250 youth are benefited from this program.

Special Residential Care Centre for Orphan Children
The aftermath of urbanization is unwarranted migration Telangana has seen a lot of inflow migration from different states, with larger number following from Odisha and Maharashtra states. Resulting in loss of valuable basic needs and denying children from continuum of education. Thus from 2014 it has been running a special residential care center at Mansoorabad village of Hyderabad for the school dropout children. The center’s main focus is to bridge the gap between education and readmitting the children into mainstream schools for their continuum of quality education. A wide range of activities is taken up at the Home. The children are provided with food, shelter and clothing and an arrangement has been made with Lotus Hospitals for the conducting monthly health checkups. The children are regularly counseled on education and Behavioural Communication Change. The children’s latent skills are identified and nurtured and they are involved in cultural and other recreational activities. A sense of discipline has been instilled among them through adherence to a pre-set timetable. Most of them belong to the downtrodden Scheduled Caste community and hail from below poverty line families. It has successfully mainstreamed 123 children into the government schools.